What We Do
✦ Unit 21 Takeover by Culture Co-op, photo by Alan Hamer
Culture belongs to us all. We believe everyone should be able to create, participate and access activities that interest them. We are here to make that happen in Rochdale.
We want to give cultural and creative power to you, so you can make sure we live up to our promises:
Help decide how our funding is spent
Set up your own arts and cultural
activities locallyBe given money to make them happen
Work alongside music producers, choreographers, chefs and street artists
Get free tickets to performances and art shows
Take advantage of paid opportunities

Where Did The Culture Co-op Come From?
Are you the next generation of Rochdale Pioneers?
✦ Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers 1865 photograph. Creative Commons
We are funded by the National Lottery and Arts Council England through the Creative People and Places programme.
Our Partners
The Culture Co-op is built on partnership. Our members are able to call on a range of experts, and residents will benefit from events celebrating creativity in all its forms.
✦ Unit 21 Takeover by Culture Co-op, photo by Alan Hamer